Iara, my DnD character, wood elf sorceress. Likhtar, her lantern, makes her spells look as animals.
[EN] Likhtar frightened those unfamiliar with the art of conjuration. The patterns of lights and its bizarre format, made those people, who were used to blood and war, reluctant to the arrival of the hermit. However, they would see, in the near future, that Iara would bring no evil. They would also find out that the Gods would pour out their blessings. From that moment, they would be guided by the Light of Peace.
[PT] Likhtar assustava os que não eram familiarizados com a arte da conjuração. Os padrões de luzes e o formato estranho, faziam aquele povo que era acostumado com sangue e guerra relutar com a chegada da andarilha. Mas, eles descobririam num futuro próximo que Iara não traria o mal. Descobririam também, que os Deuses derramariam suas bençãos. A partir daquele momento, eles seriam guiados pela Luz da Concórdia.